Send General Flowers Online
Buy general flowers online for less money using this website. Save with this information on discount florists, in addition to our listings of general flowers. For an enticing variety of general flowers just look below. Use this site whenever you need to find discount florists.
 | Heart of Kindness This heart-shaped arrangement is created from carnations and greenery and is displayed on a stand. Traditionally it is sent by immediate family and delivered directly to the funeral home. 1800Flowers's florists use only the freshest flowers available so varieties and colors may vary. Buy for $299.99 at |
 | One Dozen Carnations Arranged in a Vase Carnations are a traditional expression of love and devotion, and a favorite with European gardeners because they have a rich fragrance and timeless, long lasting beauty. Let 1 800 Flowers's florists deliver a dozen stems beautifully arranged in an 8"H glass vase to send your heartfelt expressions and a lasting sentiment thats sure to be a delight. Buy for $34.99 at |
 | One Dozen Peruvian Lilies Arranged in a Vase Elegance and beauty are in abundance with's breathtaking Peruvian Lilies. Also known as alstroemeria, these gorgeous flowers'one dozen stems in all featuring over 50 bountiful blooms'have been gathered by's select florists with fresh mixed greenery and artistically designed in a classic glass vase. Buy for $39.99 at |
 | One Dozen Gerbera Daisies Arranged in a Vase Gerbera daisies are among the top most requested flowers. They originated in Africa, Madagascar and Indonesia and grow in a brilliant variety of colors. They need little adornment to make a stylish presentation. Buy for $44.99 at |
 | One Dozen Snapdragons Arranged in a Vase Snapdragons are a favorite old variety you may have picked in your grandmas garden. Their name derives from the "scary" face of individual buds when they are pinched opening the "dragons jaws." Now you can send these delightful favorites arranged in an 8"H glass vase. Buy for $44.99 at |
 | Communion Bouquet With Roses and Carnations Make this meaningful day more memorable with a lovely bouquet of fresh flowers.'s florists will create a petite and tasteful design with flowers such as mini carnations, spray roses and more for that precious young lady as she makes her First Holy Communion. Buy for $49.99 at |
 | Lilies - 10 Stems Arranged in a Vase (asiatic) These graceful Asiatic lilies are a universal symbol of beauty. A lush bouquet of 10 of these stems delivers a flattering message of elegance to fill their day with floral pleasure. Lilies bloom in a range of dreamy colors and with several blooms on one stem, so they are sure to create a sensation for any occasion! Buy for $59.99 at |
 | Passion for Purple TM Rose Bouquet Heres the perfect pick for those passionate for purple: one dozen of's most spectacular, long stem lavender roses! What a striking gift for every occasion'birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations on a new job, or just because you care. Shipped overnight to ensure freshness. Buy for $59.99 at |
Select from the above table to purchase from a superb variety of general flowers.
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Flowers By Occasion Anniversary | Birthday | Christmas | Congratulations | Easter | For Men | General | Get Well | Mothers Day | New Baby | St Patricks Day | Sympathy | Thank You | Thanksgiving | Valentines Day | Wedding
Flowers By Type Bouquets | Centerpieces | Dish Gardens | Dried | Exotic | Other | Plants | Roses | Tulips |